
miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Libros de fotografía práctica y prácticos libros de fotografía. Una cámara estenopeica desplegable.

Me ha parecido interesante ofreceros este artículo de Christopher Jobson para COLOSSAL


This Book Is a Camera: A Functioning Pinhole Camera Inside a Pop-Up Book

Artist and designer Kelli Anderson just released her latest book This Book is a Camera, a pop-up book that turns into a fully functional pinhole camera. The book acts as a simple educational tool to help explain how photography worked before we all had camera phones in our pockets. Anderson points out that making a simple camera obscura really isn’t too difficult and provides instructions on how you can make one yourself.
This Book is a Camera comes complete with a starter pack of B/W Ilford photo paper and instructions on how to use the camera to take photos. You’ll still need to pick up some developer fluid and have a dark room to develop photos in. Stay tuned for Anderson’s forthcoming This Book is a Planetarium from Chronicle Books. (via Quipsologies)
Example photograph taken with This Book is a Camera
Example photograph taken with This Book is a Camera
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